Summer Advanced Mountain Bike Camp

Ages: 11 to 16

Skill Level:

Camp Weeks:
July 8 -12
August 12 - 16

Camp time:
9:00 am to 3:30 pm


  • In order to qualify to be in this program, participants must have a lightweight, quality bike from a bike store that specifically sells quality bikes and must be able to keep up with a fast-moving group. Before signing up, please ensure your child can ride on advanced, rocky, rooty, technical terrain and can easily ride more than 15 kms in a ride without tiring. 

  • This is a program for kids who are excelling at mountain biking, who love riding their bikes, and who want to ride on more challenging, technical terrain.

  • Participants will learn advanced techniques, including cornering, berms, advanced braking, riding steep downhills, and accelerating through technical terrain.

  • Participants will also have an opportunity to practice their new skills (and do rad jumps and tricks) on our signature Radtrax ramps.

Based out of Rad Adventures’ Petun Conservation Area location right beside 3 Stage, this camp teaches advanced mountain bike skills and is a ton of fun! Participants will spend the week exploring 3 Stage mountain bike area and building skills with a group that moves within the advanced skill levels. Expect your child to learn to navigate the complex trail system at 3 Stage, while building their riding skills and learning forest and outdoor values and skills.

Georgian Triangle Angler's Association Hatchery
Petun Conservation Area (lower parking lot)

675485 2nd Line, Town of the Blue Mountains (map​)
GPS: X-555074, Y-4921761

8 Minutes from Collingwood. From Collingwood, travel west on Sixth Street to Osler Bluffs Road/County Road 34. Turn left and travel south to Grey Road 19. Turn right and follow Grey Road 19 to the 2nd Line. Turn left and follow the 2nd Line for approximately 0.5 km, at the base of the hill of the escarpment. The parking lot is on the left.


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